Pediatrician Salary in USA

A pediatrician is a specialized doctor working with children, from birth through adolescence. The pediatrician may treat injuries, diagnose diseases, perform tests and refer patients to specialists. The salary, training and educational requirements of a pediatrician are very similar to those of a family physician with the only major difference being the age range of the patients.

Average Pediatrician Salary :

New York $163,000/-
Houston $145,0o0/-
Los Angeles $157,000/-
Seattle $148,000/-

Note for FMGs/IMGs: A majority of programs offering a pediatric residency sponsor the J1 visa. Even if you land a H1 visa, it seems that fellowships programs later on are mostly J1-sponsors . But then again, if you are good - programs will want you ...and will sponsor the H-word :-)

What do pediatricians do? What is a typical day like for a pediatrician? How many hours a week does a pediatrician work? Here you can get answers and learn about lifestyle of pediatrician in USA.

NOTE: Salariy of pediatrician here is the 50th Percentile Salary and may apply to mid-career levels - the lower percentile salaries (for fresh physicians) may actually be lower by 30,000- 40,000 $

Useful books:

  1. Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics
  2. Pocket Pediatrics
  3. Blueprints Pediatrics (Blueprints Series)
  4. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics: Expert Consult Premium Edition
  5. The Philadelphia Guide: Inpatient Pediatrics

1 comment:

  1. surprisingly not as high as many other doctor professions and not nearly as high as surgeons, but still good
